Capoeira is a Brazilian art form that combines elements of martial arts, music, and dance. It was created by African slaves during the colonial period in Brazil as a way to resist the oppression of the Portuguese. Capoeira has played an important part in shaping the culture of Brazil and today various forms of the martial art are practiced throughout the world.

Capoeira has been gaining in popularity because of the raw excitement; however, it is a powerful catalyst for transformation as well. Faced with obstacles, constant battles are waged against body and mind. Victorious participants are left strong on both fronts. The physical benefits (stamina, flexibility, coordination, etc.) cannot possibly overshadow the mental benefits (focus / control, self-confidence, self-respect, etc.) one receives from playing. This personal growth is supported and encouraged by other students in the school, helping to build a nurturing community. Capoeira Malês has experienced and witnessed kids, teenagers, and adults alike, who have redirected or redefined their lives because of training. This personal redefinition affects more than an individual, it has a rippling effect into one's local community.